To Introduce Mr. Timo T.A. Mikkonen Master of Sciences (Political history, thesis: Cuban Missile Crisis) Born 15.06.1947, Helsinki, Finland
I Career as
1) media trainer, lecturer
2) television On Air person, director, producer & writer (domestic)
3) radio On Air person, producer, radio station owner, writer
4) correspondent & documentary producer (international)
5) print journalist
6) writer
7) business & corporate video producer
8) communications expert & consultant
9) recording artist, host and actor
II Career Highlights
III Topics for lectures/courses f.ex.
Timo T.A. Mikkonen
1) as media trainer, lecturer
Special television On Air trainer for Mainos-TV/MTV media school (1972-81), while executive producer of M-show-Weekend TV, in cooperation with Tampere University School of Journalism, Helsinki University, Dept. Communication and Sanoma Group School of Journalism
2) media trainer, lecturer, consultant of Timo T.A. Mikkonen Communications Inc. (1982-), Clients incl.
Sonera (former Finnish Telecom) Corp.
Nokia Corporation
Enso Corporation
ICI Corporations, Finland
Instrumentarium Corporation, Finland
Finnish Defence College
Finnish Border Guard College
Police Academy of Finland
Helsinki School of Economics
Helsinki University
Helsinki Radio & TV School at Laajalahti
Tornio Media College
College of Film and Arts in Helsinki
trainer of TV- and radio On Air persons for TTN(Today, Here and Now) and Radio 103,4.
Timo T.A. Mikkonen
2) as television On Air person, talk show host, director. producer & writer
Talk shows 1970 - 1999
At the last moment 1970-71
M-show 1971-74 over 500 guests
Prophet in own ground 1978
Weekend TV News 1980-81 over 100 guests
Today Here & Now 1987-89 over 1600 guests
Starhour with Timo T.A. 1990-91
Hollywood Today 1992
Late night with Timo T.A. 1993-97 over 100 guests
17 hour live - World record talk show 1998 over 100 guests
Miss Finland Marathon 1999
Guests include f.ex. international stars, celebrities, writers, athletes and politicians (incl. also TV-documentary series ³U.S. Media²)
Danny Keye TV specials 1971& 1972
James Michener
Josephine Baker TV-special 1972
Zarah Leander
Vico Toriani
Sally Kellerman
Norman Lear
Carrol O´Connor
Barbara Walters
Henry B. Gonzales
George McGovern
Armyan Bernstein Tv-special 1992
Peter A. Almond
Mary Tylor Moore
Gay Thalese
Peter Mass
Elizabeth Ganz Cooney
Erica Jong
Shere Hite TV-special 1974
Benjamin Bradlee
Goldie Hawn TV-special 1981
David Powers
Pierre Salinger TV-special 1986
Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. TV-special 1970
John Kenneth Galbraith
Henry Kissinger TV-special 1980
David Halberstam
Sander Vanocur cont
Jimmy Carter
Maynard Jackson
Robert Sam Anson
Julian Bond
Jesse Jackson
Francis Ford Coppola TV-special 1982
Ted Nichols
Mark Lane
Robert Groden
Oliver Stone TV-special 1992
Dolly Parton TV-special 1988
Julio Iglesias TV-special 1988
Jane Fonda TV-special 1986
Chet Atkins
Ernest Stubb
Johnny Cash TV-special 1985
Tammy Wynette
Carlene Carter TV-special 1993
Wolf Larson
Richard Goodwin
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Alan Alda TV-special 1984
ABBA Group TV-special 1984
Dennis Weawer
Carl Lewis
Roger Moore TV-special 1980
Björn Borg
Cliff Robertson TV-special 1988
Mick Jagger
Patric Duffy TV-special 1989
Patrick Swayze
Aleksei Adzubei TV-special 1987 & 1989
Rada Hrustseva Adzubei
Jevgeni Jevtushenko
Sir Richard Attenborough TV-special 1988
Sergei Bubka
Taylor Dayne
Donny Osmond
Dick Enberg TTAM also as special guest, topic: Finnish sauna (in sauna)
Gunde Swan
Pirmin Zurbriggen
Emil & S Dana Zatopek
Marina Vlady
David Jacobs
Dana Delany
Derek Shearer TV-special (U.S. Ambassador in Finland)
Timo T.A. Mikkonen
3) radio host, On Air person, producer, radio station owner, writer For YLE radio
News reporter 1967-68, 1982-84
On Air Person of Morning and Late night shows 1978-84
For independent radio stations
On Air Person of Timo T.A. with American Charts 1985-89
On Air Person of Timo T.A. with American Country 1990-95
for Radio 103,4 as well as national radio network
Radio 103,4
Owner, executive producer, On Air person 1990-2000
Late Night With Timo T.A. (radio version) 1993-97
also for national radio network 1993-94
Timo T.A. Mikkonen
4) as correspondent & documentary producer (international) has visited and worked professionally in front and behind the camera in round 100 countries in the world Americas, Africa, Europe, Asia and Oceania
Main productions and locations:
Kriisi´60 (Crisis of the Sixities) 6 x 60 min for MTV in 1970
Congo & Berlin, Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam,
Middle East, Soviet & China, Africa
material coop with ITN News
Sanojen takana (Behind the Words) 5 x 30 min for MTV in 1970
Terrorism, ABC Warfare, NATO & Warsaw Pact,
Revolution vs. Evolution, Communication
Vuosikymmenen käännekohdat (Turning Points of the 70s)
6 x 60 min for MTV in 1980
North Ireland´s Dilemma, Winds of Politics (Terrorism & Wars),
Oil, Sand & Power, Future War, Media Fevers, Finland Today, on locations (25 countries)
special coverage of Czechoslovakia´s art community for MTV in 1975-76
special coverage of Northern Ireland situation
for MTV/MTV & YLE TV News 1979-1983
special coverage of Basque area situation for MTV/MTV & YLE TV News 1979-1980
South Atlantic
special coverage of Falklands war 1982
for YLE TV News and print media in Finland
(as the first non-military/British correspondent)
Middle-East: Israel 1982-83, 1991-92, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq 1979 & 1984, Saudi Arabia, Gulf states Bahrain, Kuwait 1979 & 1982, U.A.E., Oman
participant of War Correspondent Seminar in Jerusalem, Israel in 1983
special coverage of Lebanon war 1982
for YLE TV news & print media in Finland
special coverage of Iran-Iraq war 1984
for NBC News, U.S.A., and print media Finland
Ethiopia-Eritrea civil war 1981, Sudan civil war 1986, Zambia and Kenya 1986 for MTV News
for MTV, Finland and NBC news
special coverage of Poland and Solidarity movement 1981
for CNN and Worldwide Television News
special coverage re The Fall of Soviet Imperium in Soviet Union as well as the new independence of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, 1984-91
for NBC Sports
special producer, adviser and consultant (for Dick Enberg) re This is Finland & its history
50 mini documentaries during the coverage of 1st World Championships in
Athletics in Hki 1983
for YLE news and TTN (Channel Three in Finland) 1982-1989
Asia and Oceania
China , Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, South Korea,
Singapore, Indonesia, Japan
special coverage and city presentation of Singapore, boarder at Panjum Jong
for WTN (later APTN) and CNN
special news and sports productions as producer and camera journalist
in Finland, Russia and Baltic states 1991- 2001
for MTV, YLE, TTN/Channel Three, PTV and Channel Four and radio networks
special coverage of U.S. Presidential elections on location in U.S.A. 1976-2000 (for writing for print media since 1968
with president of Finland, Dr. Mauno Koivisto during the state visit 1988 in China and Hong Kong
In U.S.A. with Finnish Minister of Defence, Mrs. Elizabeth Rehn during the official visit in United States (W.D.C., Colorado Sprigs, New Orleans, Fort Bragg and Norfolk) in 1991
well over 100 news, documentary and business video productions for Finnish media in U.S.A. and Canada 1975-2000
Brasilia: news and documentary of agriculture and industry 1986
5) print journalist
writer of thousands of tv- and radio programs and newspaper & magazine articles 1967-2000
reporter, news and politics in Uusi Suomi daily 1968
independent journalist for major Finnish newspapers, magazines and publications 1982-2001
Apu, Seura, Suomen Kuvalehti, Iltalehti, Ilta-Sanomat, Helsingin Sanomat, Seiska etc.
re international politics,personalities, history, entertainment
columnist (media and current affairs)
Aamulehti daily 1984-85
Mäntsälä newspaper 1999-2000
6) as writer
Takana loistava tulevaisuus (WSOY 1982) (A Brilliant Future Behind)
- a history of Finnish television and also a biography
- Johtajille johtamisesta - Saatesanat RUK-kurssilta 123. (For Leaders about Leadership - based on experiences of Reserve Officer
Class 123)
- Suomen kauneimmat-missivuodet 1933-2000 (Finnish Beauty Queens & years 1933-2000)
- who they were and what did happed during those years
U.S. Media I-III (scripts) 1977
7) business & corporate video producer
for TT (Finnish Industry Croup) 20 city business and industry presentations 1984-86
for Finnfact and CNN news
30 Finnish Export business presentations (minidocumantries) 1984-86
Westar Satellite Service
for Telecom Finland & Sonera
corporate presentations (Finnish Telecommunication Finland 1984-2000
presented/released in 162 countries) and media seminars via live satellite
for Mobira/Nokia
corporate video, NMT-, GSM- and Communicator presentations 1984-2000
Chairman Jorma Ollila of Nokia live on CNN & Internet 1996-2000
for Channel Four/Entrepreneur TV
over 250 daily news and current affair business TV shows 1997-99
(visiting as producer/camera journalist in over 500 companies)
8) communications expert and consultant
acting press assistant for USIS, USIA Finland re Apollo project 1969
communications director for Rank Xerox Finland 1981-82
television coordinator for 1st World Championships in Athletics 1983
video producer for World Championships in Lahti 1989
consultant/ program planner for Channel Three 1986-87
Finnish Defence Forces/Information operations 1971-2001 (military service 1966-67, rank captain in reserves)
9) as recording artist, performer, actor and host
recording artist for CBS Records Finland, MTV Entertainment Programs 1971-2000
TTAM Group, over 90 recorded songs (evergreens, pop, country)
Christmas Album "Timo T.A. & Friends" 1989
on stage "John Wayne" in John Adams´s opera ³Marilyn² 1992-93
actors in films "Tuntematon sotilas" / The Unknown soldier 1982 version (sgt Niemi), 1982-84
"Liian iso keikka" /Too big business (himself) 1983
"Pop Entertainment" (Co-host) 1982-83
"Bonk History" (Hollywood producer) 1998
actor in TV-series
"Ihmeiden tekijät" / Hospital Doctors (producer T.J.K. Mikkola) 1994-96
Tamara Lund - 35 years on Stage tour (Operetta/Musicals) 1998
host of festivies, singer-entertainer 1971-2001